
Turn Your Feedback into Earning: Partner with Local Businesses and Grab Rewards!

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How it works?

1.Sign Up: The information shown above must be submitted to sign up. There is no registration fee for it.!!

2. Browse Opportunities: We will send you the various local businesses partnered with us seeking valuable feedback. These businesses could range from restaurants and cafes to boutiques, salons, and more.

3. Select Your Preferences: Choose the businesses you’re interested in providing feedback for based on your interests, expertise, or availability.

4. Provide Feedback: Engage with the businesses. Share your honest opinions, suggestions, and insights for their products, services, customer experience, and overall business strategies.

5. Rewarded: Rewards for every feedback session completed! These companies value your efforts and are prepared to pay you for your knowledge and expertise.

6. Build Relationships: Establish long-term relationships with businesses you enjoy working with. As you demonstrate your value through insightful feedback, you may even unlock additional opportunities for collaboration or special discounts.

7. Spread the Word: Enjoy making a difference in your local community while earning rewards doing something you enjoy. Spread the word to friends and family about this and monetize their opinions as well!


About Us

Welcome to Local Guide Australia, where we believe that every opinion matters and has the power to drive positive change in local businesses. We are committed to developing a platform where feedback providers can monetarily share their ideas. Our platform was founded on the idea of linking feedback providers with businesses looking for insightful data.

At Local Guide AU, we recognize the role that consumer input plays in helping businesses succeed, whether it’s by bettering services, developing products, or honing existing ones. We strive to bridge the gap between businesses and their customers by facilitating meaningful interactions and fostering constructive dialogue.

Our dedication to honesty, decency, and equity makes us unique. Providers of feedback can express their frank opinions and insights about a variety of enterprises, including cafes, restaurants, boutiques, and salons.

What sets us apart is our commitment to transparency, integrity, and fairness. We prioritize the quality and authenticity of feedback, ensuring that businesses receive genuine insights they can trust. Additionally, we value the contributions of our feedback providers and strive to create a supportive and rewarding environment for their participation.

Join us on our mission to empower individuals to make a difference in their local communities while earning rewards doing something they enjoy. Whether you’re a passionate consumer, a savvy entrepreneur, or simply someone who loves sharing their opinions, there’s a place at Local Guide AU.

Thank you for being part of our journey towards building stronger, more vibrant communities through the power of feedback.

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